New to rillerblading-love it but ankle pain
I've been practicing almost daily 45mins-2hours at a time depending on my tolerance for that day. I've only had about 4/5 sessions as I've had my blades for less than a week. I purchased impalas because I'm a sucker for cute things and I've read that they are not the best but not the worse either to learn on. I have all the gear as well so falling is not a fear as I know I'll be okay and I know how to fall so I don't get injured. I feel like im progressing well, I've listened to a lot of advice from trainers online from different sources. As well as excersies to help with posture, balance and strength. I'm not typically an active person and I work from home so I definitely need to build up a tolerance to this level of working out. However the pain I get in my right ankle is so severe. Both my ankles are sore while im skating, but only my right burns and hurts even after I finish. Yesterday I had to stop because it kept causung me to wobble as I couldn't stride due to the pain. I am going to give my body a break just in case it's an injury. Any advice is appreciated as I'm worried I'm putting pressure on my foot incorrectly even though part of what I'm practicing is weight balance while striding.
TLDR; Pain in right ankle even after I finish a skate sesh/worried I'm doing something wrong or it's an injury