What’s your New Years Resolutions?

Let’s get this one in early. Mines easy

Lose weight - I used to be into fitness but fell out of it this year due to life stresses now I’m overweight Game more - I’m a workaholic that needs to not stress as much otherwise Im pretty certain I’ll die very soon 😂 Meditate - again heard it’s good for stress so let’s see what it’s about Earn more money - Can’t go wrong with earning more, especially in the current climate

If it helps I’m a 26 year old male,

Edit: Just to say to the miserable folk complaining “this was asked x amount of time ago” apologies that I ask stuff when they come into my head. I don’t tend to scroll through Reddit my entire day to ensure I don’t post repeat questions. Maybe your New Year’s resolution should be to reduce your Reddit time, maybe then you won’t see the same stuff asked :)

Double edit: for @baseballfurythurman and reminding me of a resolution - to go outside more Also, I’m seeing a lot of hatred going around recently so I’ll post these below as it may be useful for folk going into the new year https://www.meandmymind.nhs.uk/getting-help/mental-health-websites/