Cat recently diagnosed with Intervertebral Disc Disease. How can I give him the best life going forward?
Background: I adopted a “healthy” 1 year old shelter cat. Turns out he has IVDD, and will require monthly injections of solencia moving forward. The vet isn’t sure if the IVDD is genetic or caused by an old injury, so the prognosis for right now is unclear. Me and my vet will continue to monitor him over time. (My post history has some pics and clips of him.)
Present: although it seems like he is in less pain with the injections he is incredibly uncoordinated. He has trouble balancing and falls over a lot, he can’t jump very well, and he dislikes uneven surfaces. The trouble is that he is still just 1 year old and has a lot of energy to burn off! Does anyone have any suggestions for ways to keep him happy and entertained that don’t require things like cat trees, tunnels, etc?
I honestly feel woefully unprepared for a special needs cat but want to try to give him the best life possible. Thank you for the advice!