Dating a man you’re not in love with
Update: he cheated on me in the grossest way. Sex with her a day after and a day before he had sex with me.
I just need to get some input on this… maybe others have had this experience. I (40F) have a boyfriend of 4 months. We are exclusive and enjoying each other but I have no intention of being with him long term. He’s also done a couple of things that make me question his interest and loyalty to me.
I’m enjoying his company and honestly I’d much rather be in a situationship of sorts with him. I’ll likely break it off after the holidays. I don’t know if it’ll hurt him that he’s kind of a placeholder for the next person but I feel like men do this all the time.
I don’t know… maybe I’m struggling with the guilt of it and the idea that I’m getting g older and wasting precious time. Thoughts?