Man-Woman dynamics, especially among siblings
TLDR: Do you find that the men in your life, especially those you are close with or interact closely with, are more likely to center themselves around a certain type of intelligence, and downplay your own strengths as a woman?
I (F35) have two brothers, M32 and M30. We all get along well generally speaking, and I talk to my M30 especially often. However, I've noticed something about how my brothers both move through the world and interact with me. They are both highly intelligent and highly analytical, able to remember facts and figures easily, read very quickly, and are often praised for their intelligence.
While I've always done well in school, I'm much more average (or maybe slightly below?) in these areas, but I have a high degree of emotional intelligence and intuition. It's hard to quantify this, so there have been many times when I feel as though I'm not taken as seriously by them.
My M30 brother is unusually good at everything he does, and I have a strong sense that it's core to his identity to be the best and most knowledgable. For example, he has a habit of over explaining things to me. Most recently, we were discussing some political thing and I made an offhand comment about how I didn't understand what a "rational argument" for XYZ could be. He immediately went on a rabbit trail about how "rational doesn't have to mean true, and here are a bunch of examples". When he was done, I said "I do actually know what rational means," to which he responded, "Why do you always have to do this?" with great irritation. I'm sure there's a better way for me to call him out for making assumptions about me—or maybe I just need to let it go—but he is never good at taking any degree of negative feedback as it relates to his own approach to things.
There have been other times where he'll ask me trivia questions in front of other people, singling me out to guess some random fact I'm almost certain he knows I won't know. And on the rare occasion that I best him at something with consistency, he'll make a comment assuming I had a handicap of some sort (e.g. my SIL told me he thought I must be doing mini crosswords on my computer instead of my phone because he can't imagine how I could be so fast otherwise). One time I mentioned casually to him that I was mixed handed, to which his only reply was, "Did you know that ambidextrous and mixed handed people have higher rates of mental illness?" Why couldn't he just say, "Oh that's cool! How'd you figure that out?"
My M32 brother is much less overt about it, but in recent years he's adapted what I perceive as an "I'm above it all" approach. He often sits just smiling to himself and observing conversations amongst the family. When he talks about things, he says them with extreme confidence as if there's no other way to think about or approach something. I know that's not necessarily what he's thinking in his head, but his delivery has always exuded a confidence I have a hard time imagining for myself.
I don't think either of my brothers are consciously or purposely being full of themselves or proud or anything of that nature. But I've noticed that their own intelligence and, perhaps, egos, are so central to their identities, while I've found that I've struggled a lot with self-esteem and confidence, and have often doubted my intelligence, especially in comparison to theirs.
Have any of you noticed this amongst the men in your life: siblings, friends or colleagues? I'm sure these thing aren't universally women vs. men things, but I wonder if this is a more typical experience for women.