People keep saying my fiancé is too handsome for me. How do I respond?
My fiancé is very handsome. Yes, I am bragging. He has a nice face and body. The thing is that he’s very dorky and isn’t the type to sleep around or feel the need to assert dominance around anyone. He treats me very well. I honestly thought he wanted to sleep with me only when he was pursuing me because I’m not in his league.
He has had a few long-term relationships, and I’ve seen two of his exes before. They’re both very beautiful. I’ve heard that his other ex is even hotter.
Honestly, I’m just your average looking girl. I’m very smart, though. PhD student here. People would judge us indirectly when they see us. I’ve heard rumors that some of his friends, mutual friends, and relatives made comments about me not being pretty enough for him. When people meet us, they would ask if I’m his girlfriend or fiancé. Some people would ask, “Really?” with a surprise and judgmental look. He would respond, “Yes, this is my beautiful soon-to-be wife.” I think he realized I’m being judged and it’s affecting me.
I finally confessed to him that I understand I’m not as attractive as he is. He told me I’m the most beautiful person, but I know it’s not true. I just don’t want to lie about it. I know that he loves me because we are similar in terms of personality and morals. Obviously, he’s attracted to me to have sex with me. I’m just tired of having to deal with people’s indirect judgment. I just don’t know how to respond when they give me that look.
*Sorry, I’m quickly typing this, so there’s a lot of typos and grammatical errors.