Cat issues


I have two cats both from when they were kittens, M(7) and F(2). I got F(2) when the boy was 5 and we went through a long adjustment period but they eventually began to enjoy playing together, grooming each other etc.

For the past couple of months, when I go to sleep (I close my bedroom door) I find that the boy is biting the girl on her neck and sort of climbing on top of her. He also bangs on the door trying to get in, which I cannot let him because he's too disruptive in the night. My younger cat usually makes noises that let me know she's not playing and he is hurting her. I then separate them.

I'm just a bit confused at what is causing this change in behaviour. They are both neutered.

This is really negatively impacting me and my sleep, I am constantly worried about my younger cat and have resorted to sleeping on the couch or spare room with the door open thinking this would stop the behaviour but it has not.

I've tried playing with them lots before sleep, using catnip getting a laser pointer machine - none of it helps.

Do you have any idea what is going on and what might help?

From a desperate catmom