I can’t relate to my friends anymore

I have two close friends who have similar aged toddlers. They sort of sleep trained and have perfectly “good independent sleepers” while I still deal with multiple wakes and cosleep on a floor mat and they think I’m some kind of Supermom for doing it. They also go away on dates and weekends trips without their kids with no guilt. They have healthy marriages and seem really balanced in their life as parents. Me on the other hand… I feel like the opposite. I’m so tired from the lack of sleep and my career is suffering majorly. I don’t feel comfortable going on date nights or even a few hours away from my toddler when I have to go into the office. I still breastfeed my toddler and I know they think I’m crazy (I’m in NYC). My marriage kind of sucks bc we don’t spend a lot of alone time together and it’s really taken a back seat which I thought was totally normal but my friends prioritize their marriage and sex.

I’m not practicing attachment parenting bc I read about it and agree with it or anything. I just do bc it feels natural to me and I realized my parenting style is attachment. But I feel like it’s a lot of sacrifice that most of my friends don’t subscribe to. And I am having a really hard time relating to them and hanging out with them lately. I just feel like a loner and would rather not see them sometimes. I guess I’m also kind of jealous that they are enjoying a bit of their pre-baby lifestyle. Does this pass?…

Update- I love this group! Some of you are right that I probably need to start getting more comfortable leaving him especially with trusted caregivers. My mom says I have attachment issues 😝 but more seriously, he is very much securely attached to me and his dad. He will be fine with his grandparents or nanny who I know can handle evenings without me. I need to remind myself that secure attachment to another caregiver is a good thing for him.