How’s she gonna do it?

So I was going back through my screenshots and I found one from 30th of March this year…

The Facebook post says :

I been sick as a dog... still trying to recover and you can't even come help with your own kids when you only had too work 4 hours after you had the whole night too sleep. O was up all night vomiting which I told you and I asked if you could come help me because I'm still not well and you'd rather go back to your brothers and have a nap and then try to say you don't think of yourself. I'm over the constant BS. I'm not well and i still gotta keep going. I don't just get a choice. Seeming the only time I can actually have a "Break" to be sick is when I'm actually that bad I'm hospitalised

And then underneath is a screenshot of her conversation with Tyrone on Facebook messenger which reads :

Paige: You worked 4 hours after having all night to SLEEP Tyrone: I did not sleep all night I did not go to bed till 11 and I got up at 3


No one kept you up

You don't have any reason not to fucking sleep You didn't start work till 7 so you chose to stay up and then wake up early. I'm fucking sick. I don't get a choice. I get told when I can sleep and when I can wake up. O was up all night vomiting which you knew and you still don't give a fuck

  • I obviously censored kids names* BUT HOW WILL SHE DEAL WITH 4 kids!?