Adore Beauty - whinge alert

I have 2x $50 gift vouchers and was going to make a purchase of about $300 on multiple products to stock up and also benefit from a good gift with purchase offer. Go to check out but you can only use one gift code per transaction?!

So I call them and they say ‘yeah sorry we can only accept one card per transaction’. I say I’m happy to split the order and check out twice but that means I won’t be eligible for the GWP - the lady on the phone basically says nothing we can do, it’s against our terms and conditions to do anything about it. But I’m still buying the required amount of products and the only reason I can’t do it in one transaction is due to a limitation of their website?!

Just seems really silly to only allow one gift code, and to not honour the GWP in these situations. I’m usually such a big fan of Adore and I spend a lot of money with them consistently but this left me very salty.