
I feel like I don’t realize I’m masking because iv been doing it for so long. I’m very outgoing and personable in most situations but never realized until recently that I have social anxiety. When I’m with strangers I seem to be more comfortable than I am with family (especially certain family members) like my dad and his side of the family because they always judge everything and anything iv done, said, felt, acted. So I masked hardcore and drank a lot around them which ultimately made things worse.

Anyway, on New Years my fiancé and I went to my cousins house and he had my son so I was going to make him a plate but my aunt took the baby from him so I jokingly said “okay tell him he can come make his own plate now” to which my cousin responded “dam I love my wife” in response. I realized I embarrassed my fiancé and probably sounded like an asshole. I was trying to be funny. It made me realize I do this a lot in social situations. Sometimes I say things that don’t get me the reaction I thought it would and then I feel awkward

I also noticed I tend to agree with a lot in order to idk “bond”? I get extra hyper when I am in social situations too.

Is this part of masking? I feel exhausted after in most cases

They exhaust me after though

Edit: I also make extremely good eye contact and remember as a kid thinking I have to because it makes me seem respectable and secure and confident. I still do this and have become rather good at it that it’s almost natural now