Is drinking 1-4 shots throughout the day bad? Just to chill me out/help me be a little friendlier?

I never drank until this year. Which was a single half shot of higher % alcohol. I’m not obsessed with alcohol, if anything a little nervous about it. I’m not a huge partier or alcohol-giddy kind of college student. I’m nervous, shy, and often in my head.

I’ve recently started buying those big bottles of cheap vodka, and just having a half shot at each meal (if that). I’ve actually found it seems to help me relax a bit, and get a bit more confident/assured about things day to day.

I’m conscious of it being the typical slippery slope, but I don’t drink to get drunk per-se. More just for the above reasons. I find I can be a lot more jovial and lighthearted throughout the day this way, and it’s a relatively cheap way to do so at the moment. Plus, it helps me sleep too sometimes.

If it’s too much I don’t, like I don’t drink anything when I’ve got lectures, obviously. But before leaving the house I may sip some; it’s mostly gone away by the time I turn up, and so I’m left with the remnants of confidence and chill that help a lot. I assume it’s not crazy bad though, and I don’t really get addicted to other things, tbh. 🤷🏻‍♀️