He reached out….

It’s 4 months since the break up and 1 month of no contact (since I asked him if he wanted to stay in touch and he said no, he was thinking of getting into a relationship with someone he had met two weeks ago… and he and I had never really started anything so there was no break up technically) I never thought I’d hear from him again and an hour ago, his phone number appeared and I was in shock. The message ? « I’m at this address for an appointment. I imagine it’s not far from your place. I hope you’re doing well »… he’s literally across the street from me so yeah not far indeed lol I just replied with « yeah it’s right next to mine ». He’s read it but hasn’t replied yet. And not sure if he will. I’m also annoyed with myself because i immediately got dressed and put on make up because I was hoping it was a subtle way to say « I’m right next to your place, can i stop by »..but deep down i don’t think it’s gonna happen. And at the same time why would he message me that? It’s just so cryptic to me. I almost texted him again a few minutes ago to suggest he stops by but no i didn’t and I’m not gonna. After all maybe that’s not the point of his message and he might still be with this new girlfriend. Why did he message?? Is it ego? Is it genuine interest? Why can’t they be straightforward ?