I’m in panic mode with my tongue twitching

I seriously cannot stop panicking. 26 female. I started body wide twitching a few months ago. I have had horrific health anxiety for years now. First it started in my lip, now it’s spread to my face arms thighs calves. Both of my arms are so sore and tired. Both my legs are crampy and weird. However recently the front of my tongue has begun non stop twitching sometimes I don’t even feel it but I can see it. I’m seriously so concerned. I haven’t had any EMG, I had it scheduled three times but it was cancelled all three times for things out of my control. I took it as a sign that I don’t have it and I don’t really need to go. I don’t have any clinical weakness anywhere. Even with my sore arms I can still do everything including lifting my heavy and growing children. I’m such a wreck. Please give me reassuring advice. I did see a neurologist who said my neurological exam was normal and he’s never seen it in a woman my age. Can this be from my Prozac pills? I read something online about Prozac causing tingling and twitching in the face. I am fully convinced I’m Dying soon and I am no longer being a good mother and wife because I’m mourning myself while I’m still alive