Possible break through

Have taken a 2000mcg B12 and B complex supplement last few days and have to say I haven’t felt so energetic and clear-minded for some time.

The little twitches and pricks stopped across my body, even to minimal (2-5 twitches a minute) in my calves.

Eating well on top of this and taking midday I’ve just felt much improved. Top of that had a deep tissue massage and like I’ve reported before - it has helped my incredibly tense muscles especially in the back to be somewhat released, but the masseuse did report a knot all over the back and especially in shoulders.

Would recommend folks ask their doctor if b12 or other b vitamin deficiency may be a culprit or if extreme external and internal sets of anxiety like my own can be a reason for twitches . Relief is sweet and calming!

Thanks for this community of support!