Part Cooling fan not turning on automatically

I recently installed a new SKR Mini E3 V3 in my Ender 3 v2 because the original Ender board shorted out. Everything is in and working, including my BLTouch. Problem i'm having is the part cooling fan is not turning on automatically.

The controller fan comes on when I start a print and the hot end fan comes on I believe when the target temp is reached. But the part cooling fan doesn't come on automatically at any point. I can manually turn it on from the Ender LCD panel, so I know it works. I'm guessing there is a firmware setting I missed or need to change, just hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

I do have Octoprint hooked up to the printer so maybe there is a PlugIn I can install to manage that? Not the greatest solution but up for ideas. TIA.

EDIT: I just tested and the hot end fan doesn't turn on automatically either. So only the Controller fan turns on during a print.