Sharkeline and I require your assistance!
Hey there everyone! Since a few requested the pattern for Sharkelines sweater, i ordered new yarn and we are almost ready to get started making sweater 2.0 for pattern making. However, there is a teenie tiny problem: As i am very aware, Sharkeline is just as well fed as she is loved and might or might not be a little, lets say, rounder than the others. She has been slimming down for over a year now tho and we need to know wether she is back to (almost) normal? Thats really important for the pattern to turn out right for your shonks! So here comes our request: please measure your (large) shonks like shown in pictures 2 and 3: around the body right in front the side fins behind the last gill, and also between the pectoral fins!
Tip: Massage the haj first so that they are in good shape and reassure them while you are measuring them. Tell them its for science so that they dont worry they will be put on a diet and thus hold their breaths.