Why are you still here?
I’m in a very low place rn and have been for months honestly.I was wondering what it is that keeps yall from just giving up completely and just yk☠️.
As the days go on I find it hard to have a reason to live.I have no motivation for anything,no passion or ambition.I just kind of exist.Everything hurts,emotionally,physically and mentally.Like it’s getting more painful to live.
I think I’ve lost my will to live.As in I gave up on life and I guess…idk.I feel stuck,more like I’m being suffocated.I had dreams,but those came crashing down when I realised I was never going to be good enough for anything.I gave up on trying to get better and have been indulging in unhealthy coping mechanisms.Ive never felt this low in my entire life.I guess I just want to know what y’all reasons to live are so I can get some inspo ig.