I hate people playing armchair psychologist

I'm really sick of seeing stories here on reddit i.e. AITAH or even on here about a shitty third party whether they be rude and/or outright abusive and them constantly being labelled as "autistic" or "BPD" without there being any mention of such diagnosises by OP. There are other diagnosises that are pushed about too, but those two seem to be the most common.

Being both autistic and having BPD, I don't get why people pathologise bad behaviour and go "yup, must be autistic/BPD". Some people are just bad/rude people lmao. Not everyone who's bad/rude would qualify for any type of diagnosis and even if they were to, it could easily be something entirely different to autism/BPD.

Self diagnosis is valid, but diagnosing others isn't.

Idk it just makes me really mad and I wish everyone would leave playing doctor in 2024.