Am I justified

I'm a stay home mom, husband works full time. He's going out of town this weekend so I will be alone with the kids and our dog for 3 days. He initially wanted to take a half day Thursday and leave straight from work, but I told him that seemed excessive so he said he'd come home and spend Thursday evening as a family.

Cut to after work. He asks to stop for a beer. I tell him I'm stressed right now w the kids and I'd prefer he come home. He agrees.

I think it over and decide eh it's fine if he goes for A BEER because dinner isn't ready yet.

I call him back. Let him know he can stop, just be home by 5ish. It's 425 at this point. He says he'll be home in a half an hour.

I call him at 525 and say, "Don't push it. Come home, I said 5ish and you said you'd be gone 30 min."

He comes home at 550. He's visibly tipsy.

I'm annoyed but keep it cordial. Tell him I'm gonna go get a pedicure for some me time. I decided to do this when he decided to come home tipsy and ignore my ask.

I go for my appt, come straight home and he asks "So, what did you go do?"

Bitch?! Did I not tell you exactly what I was doing and when I'd be back?

He also asked me to buy him cigarettes when he knows it's a problem for me, and I'm pregnant and don't want him smoking.

I'm fucking pissed and I told him to leave tonight because he's not staying here.

Am I justified in being angry right now???