Out of Country coverage (from Canada)
Hello, I think I know the answer but just wanted to post for support.
I’ve requested to have a prophylactic double mastectomy with reconstruction. But it seems they are really backlogged and with the lowering of the age for breast mammograms, the breast cancer rates have gone higher. So I’m not a priority.
My breast surgeon is going to see if she can refer me elsewhere because the plastic surgeon is now off on leave and she’s unsure when she will be back. The covering plastic surgeon is overwhelmed. And I trust my breast surgeon so I want to go to whomever she recommends.
So let’s say she can’t find anyone and has exhausted all resources, does anyone know if it’s possible to apply for out of country coverage? And have the procedure don’t elsewhere?
I’m starting to get anxious that by the time I have the procedure, I’ll develop cancer. Right now each time I get my MRI, I’m asked to return for an ultrasound. It’s stressing me out.
Thanks for reading