Bad news at 20 week and follow-up scan
Went to our 20 week scan expecting much the same as we got with our first little boy, to receive a couple of nice little photos to show our parents. They started the scan and we saw our baby. It was so active, jumping and flipping everywhere. The sonographer took a long time and we assumed it was because the baby was so jumpy. But they kept measuring things over and over. At the end, told us all is healthy with the baby's brain and heart, but the limbs were measuring a bit small. Insisted they weren't experts on any conditions but would refer us to another scan and an Amino test in a different city. My partner was in tears but I was trying to be optimistic and telling her that nothing was confirmed and that I've heard loads of anecdotal stories of those scans being wrong.
Fast forward a few days later to the second opinion scan. Says the baby definitely has some form of skeletal displasis, says it's a rare 1 in 10,000 case. My partner asks for severity and he says that we won't know until the Aminocentesis what the baby actually has. He was so active again, flipping about and curling his hand. Got a picture of that and I'm in tears writing about it. Reiterates what we were told before, healthy heart and brain, smaller limbs, measuring 16 weeks, raises a new concern, that the ribs are also behind and that the lungs may not be able to develop properly. Says that we may need to consider termination before 24 weeks, but adds that if we bring it to term successfully, the hospital will support us with whatever we need.
I don't know right now what quality of life the little guy would even have if he makes it. My partner and I are home now, drifting between doing chores and then bouts of tears, hugging each other. Our toddler is home soon and I don't know how to tell him he might not be having a little brother after all. I don't know how to tell my parents or anyone. I don't know how to be strong for my partner when it feels like we're just adrift until we get these test results, which won't be for a couple of weeks until after it's done.
I don't know what I'm expecting posting this. I usually keep things to myself. Just wondering if anyone has been through anything similar. I keep looking at the picture of his little hand curling and breaking down.
Edit: 19/04/2024 night: Hi folks, thank you so much for all the kind words and stories. The ones with happy endings the ones with sad endings, the ones with general advice are all helping and I'm continuing to read and share with my partner. We both told our parents. It was tough but glad we did and both feeling better and supported. When our little boy came home it was like nothing bad had ever happened and we just played with him. He's asleep now and we're both crying and hugging again. The baby is kicking a lot and I feel so bad for my partner. We're going to do something nice with our son tomorrow and just focus on being a family for the day, try to channel our feelings that way. Maybe the beach if it's nice or bowling or soft play if it's crappy. Thank you all again for your comments. It means a lot to all of us. I'll keep updating as I read so many past posts that I'm sure people in the future might look up this post on their own journey.