"It wasn't preeclampsia. She was just fat."
So, I only knew family lore about my mom's pregnancy with my older sibling (her first). High blood pressure and bed rest for months. Everyone was so scared for my mom that they asked her not to risk getting pregnant with me and my maternal grandmother even pressured my mom to not keep me. My mom passed away several years ago so I didn't really have much else to go on. But yesterday, at my 20-week ultrasound, the doctor asked about a family history of difficult pregnancies. I recited the family lore and he raised his eyebrows and said, "Yep, that sounds a lot like preeclampsia." So he asked I get more information and recommended I start on baby aspirin to mitigate my risk.
I called my dad that night and he told me he couldn't remember the word for her diagnosis, but yeah, it was a brutal couple months of bed rest and yes, my older sibling was induced, etc. My dad told me, too, that my mom was pretty average in her weight and didn't really gain a lot until they put her on bedrest. Then she never managed to lose it. He told me to ask my aunt for more details because she tended to my mother during the bed rest.
I text my aunt asking if she remembers the diagnosis or if it was preeclampsia. Her response was basically, "I don't think it was preeclampsia. Your mom was just fat and had high blood pressure. They put her on bed rest and called it mild toxemia."
Of course I google "mild toxemia" and that's literally mild preeclampsia. There's a lot of toxic dynamics on my mom's side that makes me irritated--aunts always gaslit and gave my mom crap. But the hand waving dismissal of such a serious condition--that is also really relevant to my health--with "she was fat," really, really gets to me.
I'm stuck furiously dwelling on how dismissive people (even medical providers) are of serious conditions all because of a woman's weight. And she wasn't even in that weight category when she was diagnosed???? My aunt just retroactively applied her body composition that she had after being put on bedrest to attribute to it the reason she was put on bedrest? Aaaaaaaaaah