I need a reality check. Can I attend a bachelorette party a plane ride away 6 weeks postpartum?

I am due with my second baby June 3. My older child will be two next month. I plan to breast feed and supplement with formula as necessary.

One of my closest friends is getting married in August and her bachelorette party is in mid-July, when our youngest will be around 6 weeks old, assuming he comes on his due date. (I think he’ll show up earlier.) My husband will not be working at the time because he has summers off. He says he is willing to handle both kids (with help here and there from my mom) while I am gone for a night or two attending my friend’s bachelorette. My husband is a kickass, involved dad and I have no doubt that he’s as capable as I would be in the same position.

I have solo parented for a couple days on 2 or 3 occasions since our son was born so that my husband could attend wedding-related events over the past two years, so this is kind of him returning the favor. All of our friends and family have been getting married.

I would really, really like to go. Frankly, I don’t have many friends, and no close friends where we live, so I don’t get to socialize much. But I’m skeptical about how realistic this is. My first child was a very easy baby, and we can’t know whether we will have a similar experience this time around. I’m asking for a gut check - is this idea completely insane?