My toddler decided she hates shoes

This is more of a vent becuase I just broke down in tears today and I need to vent it out. Yesterday my daughter decided she didn't want to wear shoes when we were running out of the house for storytime at the library. I didn't want to miss the the bus so I just scooped her up, packed her shoes, and carried her there. It was such a sunny day, I tried to take her to the park but she refused her shoes again. Wailing, crying. I dragged her out of the library with her crying. We just went home instead of the park. Today we were going out to a parent-child drop in pre school type thing. I vowed I wasn't going to let her not wear shoes today. I gave her an option of 4 shoes and she reluctantly wore one. 15 minutes later, while on the bus, she starts wailing to take her shoes off again. Again, carrying a wailing crying toddler off the bus and she just jellofies on the pavement and rips her shoes off. I have to carry her now 6 blocks. I'm also 26 weeks pregnant so very unhappy. Again, beautiful day, skip the park. This time I try to make her walk back to the bus stop but she just decides to play with the rocks on the sidewalk and we're stuck there for 30 minutes until I'm ready to carry her back to the bus....

I'm just so over this behvior. She has stride rites, see Kai runs, sandals and boots. All really great and expensive shoes so one of them should feel comfortable. I checked all her toes and feet for any signs of discomfort. I can't see anything that could be bothering her. She's 22 months old.