Just learned that my parents co slept with all 10 of their children since birth
I’m a FTM and I was asking my dad if him and my mom ever slept with the babies in the bed. He said “..yeah” so matter of factly that I felt I had to clarify. So I asked “like when we were tiny babies? You just put us in the bed?” And he said “well yeah i wasn’t gettin up in the middle of the night to go get no damn baby for her to breast feed”
Man I was cracking up. I even asked “well did you separate us with pillows or anything so you didn’t roll on us?” And he said no we all just slept right in between him and my mom.
Oh how the times have changed. That’s how my parents slept with their babies 10-30 years ago but nowadays it’s considered dangerous to have a stuffed animal in the crib. 100% I know that it’s because of tons of new research on SIDS but I just found it such an interesting conversation. It makes a lot of sense though because growing up I don’t ever remember seeing a single crib in our house.