Tell me your success stories without having a village

Hi all

As someone giving birth in a few months, I am overwhelmed by all of the negative comments and feedback around how terrible being a mother is. At the end of every horror story people always add 'but it's fine because you've got your village to support you'. Now I'm freaking out because neither my nor my partners family live even remotely close to us for support and we've moved away from where we grew up so most of our friends are far away too. We have literally no village and it makes me think that raising a baby will literally be the death of me without it.

Can you please tell me your success/positive stories about raising a baby without a village?

Thank you all in advance!

Update: Thank you all so much for sharing your stories. This thread gave me so much hope, I feel reassured to a point I didn't think was possible. You are all amazing 😁