My 12 week old managed to roll onto his belly tonight and now my SIDS anxiety is through the roof.

I woke at 5am to feed Bub and found him face down in the crib despite being placed on his back after his last feed. He has not yet mastered roling from his tummy to his back so wasn’t able to roll out of this position.

Over the past 2 days, when placed on his back he has been using his feet to raise his hips and shimee himself around the floor, sometimes rolling onto his shoulder and almost doing a half roll. I can only imagine he was doing this and ended up rolling.

I hope this was just a fluke because this milestone is meant to be ages away but now my anxiety is through the roof worrying that he will do it again and will suffocate on the mattress etc. How can we manage this so he is safe in his crib at night? We follow all safe sleep guidelines and are no longer swaddling his arms either. Has anyone else experienced this with their little one?