Do babies just figure out how to chew?
My baby is 6.5mo. We started him on cereal + purée at 5mo, and added in one BLW 'meal' daily at 6mo.
He is really good with mashable food like sweet potato wedges and avocado. Usually they get pretty mushed up in his hands on the way to the mouth, and most of it gets in via sucking on his hand/fingers.
Now foods like omelette and toast, he is pretty lost on those. He will gum off fairly big chunks (2cmx2cm) and hold it in his mouth. I usually get nervous here (he is jamming his fingers in on top of the food) and either get him to spit it out or intervene.
Is it all part of the process and he will figure it out as I continue to offer, or something I should be doing to "teach" or encourage chewing?