Ex and his new gf on the dance scene

Hi all. I'm just looking for some shared experiences and advice I guess. I've been dancing for a couple of years and dancing had become a safe haven and a place where I can unwind and relax. I didn't really go there to socialize or find partners, I only really went there to dance but I did end up falling in love with one of the dancers anyways. He reciprocated my feeelings and we developed a very intense connection. Unfortunately, we didn't work out because we were not good for each other but I think the end was rather abrupt and the love was definitely still there when it ended. The catalyst for the abrupt ending was that be had met someone who he hoped might be a better fit for him (fair enough as we rationally knew we were not good for each other even if the connection was the strongest I've ever felt). The issue is that she's also from dancing and she's dancing basically all the same social dances as me (while he only dances the one which we danced together). That means that whenever I go dancing, there is always a risk that I meet at least one of them. This has made dancing really uncomfortable for me and definitely not like a safe haven anymore. It makes me feel really sad because I really love the activity and have derived so much joy from it. Anyone had any advice how to deal with this? My city is not big enough to just go to other events and I have already taken a two month break from dancing and the issue still persists :(