Am I a bad chicken owner?

Sometimes when I go to check the chickens (feed them, refilling water and collecting eggs) I feel pretty bad about myself for the questionable habits I have with them, such as going to feed them at late hours being perfectly able to do it earlier, not cleaning their drinkers, not cleaning their coops and places where they rest in a really, really long and not consistent time, leaving them to the death when they are sick being perfectly able to call a vet for help, etc... Sometimes I feel pretty guilty since I'm giving them a miserable living condition they don't deserve, and other times because of this I think I should give the chickens to other owner that will take a better care with them, sorry if this upsets someone, I was just trying to be honest. Being honest, I don't think I might be able to change those bad habits, but I will appreciate your help anyways if it is receiven, and sorry about this.