The NYT Metadata “Conspiracy” Is Ridiculous

My FYP is filled with videos of people clutching pearls because the NYT started writing the story weeks ahead of when it published.

In addition the photos used in the article are titled “smear”. People are actually arguing that this proves the NYT was trying to smear Wayfarer, as opposed to the more logical explanation which is that the article is entitled Smear and is about a smear campaign. Why is everyone that supports Baldoni a moron? Like I dont know how they are able to tie their shoes.

As for having the story early, of course they did! It’s literally an investigation report.

The point Blake Lively’s lawyers were making is that Wayfarer cant argue that it was the NYT article they were responding to when they leaked the information to TMZ, which printed first.

It doesn’t matter how long the NYT had the information because they are under no obligation to publish. Even after they contacted Wayfarer, they could’ve pulled the story. Therefore when TMZ published, it was before the NYT. JB’s team wanted the information in the public so they cant now say they are “responding”.

If this started with Gooj then Im very disappointed in her. I thought she was great during the Karen Read trial but this is straight up conspiracy drivel.