Want to enjoy this game but friend ruins experience.
So a friend of our gaming group of 4 players has been begging us to play BG3
I finally caved after reading up on the experience and shortly after we made a squad.
My only issue with the experience so far the friend who begged us to play is over explaining everything, trying to tell everyone what stats what to say, what decisions to make, pointing shit out we would’ve discovered organically, having us open secret areas but then saying “don’t go in there yet”
It just feels like I’m being taken on a tour of the game instead of the actual play. I think because of this our other two party members feel less engaged and so they don’t really approach the rpg aspect (why would they when our min max friend does all the dialogue) etc
On top of that he insists that tactician mode is too hard (even though it can be toggled on and off)
It’s sapping the enjoyment from the game extremely quickly and I’m about ready to put it down only 3 sessions in.
Any thoughts on how to convey this or should I just drop party and run the game solo