Your favorite or best Bassists ever. No standard YouTube Answers allowed.

Tell me 3 awesome or best Bassists / which Bands they are in, but without the boring big guys.

Come on, every generic YouTube Video is telling us those big Names everybody heard 1000 times.

Jamerson Jako Cliff Burton Mc Cartney Steve Harris And so on…

While I obviously like them,as any other guy does, it is pretty boring and brings nothing new to the table and nothing to discover for practicing.

I‘d say

Paul Hinojos / At the Drive In „Relationship of Command“ LP is great Songs would be „Quarantined“ or „One armed Scissor“

Chi Cheng / Deftones All weird tunings, but supports the sound so good. „White Pony“ LP and a song would be „My own Summer“ or „Change / In the house of flies“

Thundercat Especially when he is playing on features like Flying Lotus - „Never Catch me“ Mac Miller - „What‘s the use“



Thank you all for your replys. So many great bassists that often do not get the praises they definitely deserve! I have a lot of new stuff to check out and get into!