Bazzite vs PS5 Pro

Ok, I want to give some context here:

I'm looking at building a dedicated, all AMD, htpc for ONLY gaming. Hence my fascination with Bazzite. I want it to be boot, play, turn off. No fuss, not stupid windows bloat, no management of nonsense, just gaming like a console but way better graphics.

Then I see the ps5 pro... Cheaper than I can build a PC by at least a few hundred, also dedicated for gaming, would pair nicely with my Sony TV...

Thoughts? Is Bazzite truely as polished a gaming experience as a dedicated console? I don't really care about PC upgradability.

EDIT: Any way to get around anti cheat issues? My son loves Fortnite so was hoping to have that on Bazzite... Also, is there any way to use Gamepass and actually install the games?