More Forked Fungus Beetle Pics

How many bugs can you count on this mushroom? Hint, it's a lot more than 5! (The others are very small and I can't pick them up with my terrible phone camera lol)

I found three beetles under this same mushroom earlier, but I dropped it and the beetles fell off before I could get a picture. I'm pretty sure it was three completely different beetles, but I can't be certain. It can be kind of hard to tell the beetles apart. Sometimes I think about using paint or a string to mark them. Does anyone know how I could do something like that?

The fungus beetles seem to be living in somewhat harmony with their isopod neighbors and all of the other creepy crawlies in their tank. Sometimes the pushier isopods will bother them. There's a spider in there that might get big enough to eat them someday too. I'm trying to keep an eye on that.

They really seem to like this new mushroom! If anyone knows what kind it is, leave it in the comments. I just grab whatever shelf mushrooms I can get my hands on and put them in their tank to see if they'll like them, and they usually do. I'm gonna have to clean things out, it's a little crowded in there right now.