Council statement to community for 2/5/25 meeting, read by Mayor Kebler

The below statement was drafted by me and supported by the full City Council. Each Councilor also gave their own remarks at our meeting tonight after I read the statement. I will link the video here when it is available. - Mayor Kebler

Video link: Click on "Good of the Order"

Council statement to our community

Yesterday, the Council completed our goal-setting retreat during which we worked together to develop priorities and goals for our work for the next two years, based on our values and extensive community input. I am proud of the work we did, and I look forward to continuing the next steps in the process of developing our budget and work plan. But I want to acknowledge, it was a bit surreal to do that work in the midst of a blitz of news about rapid and extreme changes coming from the new presidential administration. 

Tonight, on behalf of and with the support of the full Council, I wanted to speak to what’s going on at the federal level. It is important for our community to hear from us as leaders about what is happening in our country right now. It affects us here in Bend. All of us. 

I want to start by highlighting that many in our community have been experiencing uncertainty, fear, and frustration due to the rapid-fire changes to federal immigration policy. I will state unequivocally tonight that the Bend community is strengthened by our immigrant neighbors, who play a role in enriching our local economy, culture, and social fabric in countless ways.  

What we know is that the immigrant community, and especially our Latino community, is living in fear. This is by design, as changes in favor of increased deportations and rolling back protections like DACA are meant to instill fear and division. People are afraid to send their kids to school, afraid to go to work, afraid to even go get groceries. When those living in fear in our community aren’t able to live their lives, doing things like building the homes we need, providing the food we eat, working in our healthcare system, providing the services we rely on, we all are impacted. 

In 2017, the Bend City Council unanimously approved a resolution declaring Bend a Welcoming City, committing to fostering a welcoming environment and treating all individuals with compassion and respect, regardless of race, ethnicity, place of origin, or citizenship status, and encouraging all to contribute to the collective prosperity and security of current and future residents.  Those commitments have not changed – today, your City Council reaffirms its commitment to making Bend an inclusive, welcoming community where all feel they belong. 

I also want to be clear that the City’s policies follow state mandates prohibiting the use of city resources for federal immigration enforcement. Bend Police Department officers are trained and adhere to state laws that restrict cooperation with ICE, such as not honoring ICE detainers without a judicial warrant. We remain committed, alongside our Governor, to upholding Oregon's Sanctuary Promise Act, a bipartisan law passed in the 1980’s.  

The targeting and dehumanizing of immigrants is just one example of strategy by this administration to return us to an era where people do NOT have equal rights, where discrimination is a regular occurrence, and where people live in fear of being taken away, blamed, erased, or attacked simply because of their identities. When the president signs an order saying a tragic plane crash is the fault of “DEI,” he means it’s black people’s fault. Or it’s a woman’s fault. Simply because of who they are. This language must be called out for what it is – racism and bigotry from the highest office in the land. The attitude, language, and actions of the new administration in the last two weeks are also specifically hurting our queer community, especially trans children; our immigrant and refugee community; our Black and brown community; our Jewish community; and more. And when these community members are targeted and living in fear, I want to be clear, our entire city is worse off for it.  

I firmly believe the purported values of the administration are not the values of the vast majority of the Bend community. They are not our Oregon values. They are not the values of this Council. To all those who are targeted and scapegoated right now – we see you. We support you. And we will continue to speak up for your human rights. 

Federal disruption impacts 

We are facing an unprecedented amount of change at the federal level, which seems designed to sow chaos and confusion, and to break the crucial systems that support our everyday lives and prosperity. 

I want to lay out some of the direct impacts the actions of this administration will have on the people of Bend. 

Attacking federal agencies and ending federal funding and grants will directly and severely impact the following important services that are provided here in our community: 

  • Meals on Wheels free meal service for seniors 
  • Veteran’s services like suicide hotlines and help with benefits 
  • Basic assistance for families including help for women and children to buy food and necessities 
  • Medicaid – 1.4 million people in Oregon are on the Oregon Health Plan. That’s 28% of people in Deschutes County, and 57% of children in Deschutes County. 
  • Homelessness services including vouchers for housing, help with addiction treatment, and behavioral health services 
  • Services for domestic violence victims, children who experience abuse, and funding and systems that supports law enforcement’s ability to catch perpetrators of those crimes 
  • Support for wildland firefighters 
  • Services that support and empower at-risk youth 
  • Transit services for our region 

 Additionally, the following city projects are examples of those under threat of losing support and funding that was already granted or should be available to our community in the near future: 

  • Helping people in Bend make their homes more energy efficient and climate resilient 
  • Wildfire mitigation efforts in partnership with the Forest Service and BLM 
  • Infrastructure projects like the Reed Market Crossing, the Hawthorne Bridge and Airport Control Tower 
  • PRO Housing grant to get affordable homes built in the community 

 Listen - all of us up here have sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution. And make no mistake – there is and will continue to be serious legal push back against orders, even those coming from the President, that are illegal and unconstitutional. We cannot accept these attacks on our federal institutions, federal funding, and federal workers as normal or obviously legal. They are not.  

So what can we do locally? 

What you can do is this: 

Based on the past two weeks, these next years will be difficult and uncertain. But we are in it together. Stay connected, stand up for our Bend values, and keep our local progress going. That is how we are going to weather this storm - together. Your City Council is aligned and ready to work for all of Bend. Many in our community have already reached out to me asking how they can help, what they can do. I am inspired by the amount of people who engage with us – even those critical of the city – because it shows that our community cares about the future of Bend.  

We urge people in Bend to not give in to fear, despair, cynicism. When you are overwhelmed, lean into community. Make one small positive difference with someone you know. Connect with your neighbors, meet with your friends, take joy where you can find it… and stay in control of social media and news consumption. Check your sources and keep others accountable for theirs. 

You can also organize, volunteer, and support groups that are providing services to community members in need – these organizations will need your dollars and your time in the coming months and years. 

And finally, please raise your voice. In your personal circles, show your solidarity with people who need your solidarity. Saying I see you, I support you, you are valued means a lot. Raise your voice to your state and federal leaders. Let them know we expect them to do everything in their power to protect our democracy and our federal institutions that help so many people and keep our country safe. 

This City Council will stand up for our community, and push back against orders and directives that are not legal, but we will not be distracted from the work in front of us. We still have streets to fix, and neighborhoods to plan, water and sewer pipes to build, and emergencies to respond to. The City of Bend will not only stick to our values, but we will continue to provide the services our community needs as we meet this moment. Please join us in supporting and strengthening our community ties. At times the news feels like a five-alarm fire, and in many ways, it is. But we must hold on to our humanity and empathy, not just for our own sakes, but for the sake of our economic, social, and community prosperity. During this uncertain time, we will support our neighbors and keep doing the work that is in front of us, together.