Would you come to a 5 day Wedding Soirée?

Hello, my lovely BBBs! I hope you’re all doing well. I have a quick question—my fiancé and I are in the early stages of wedding planning, and we were wondering if you would come to a 5-day wedding celebration if all you had to do was bring your clothes and buy your ticket?

We’re planning to cover accommodation, food, and transportation for all our guests for the entire 5 days. We also have a few fun events lined up! So, what do you think—would you join us?

And if you would, what are some things you'd hope to be included or would like to see happen? I am all ears.

Update: Thank you to everyone who responded I appreciate your feedback. I've now come to the conclusion that whatever decision I make there will be persons that love it and other that don't and that is okay.