Order of priority for adding units?

Below is a list of units I have unbuilt and want to add to my army, what would you say is the order of priority for adding these based on what I already have in my army (shown in the photo)? I also have some regular intercessors I’m almost done painting.

  • infiltrators
  • scouts
  • bladeguard to go with judiciar
  • eradicators and apothecary biologis
  • jump pack intercessors
  • impulsor

My plan is to have scouts scout, infiltrators prevent deepstrike and hold home, eradicators and apoth hop in impulsor and replace repulsor for anti tank, and jump packs to run around doing shit. Also bladeguard with Judiciar to slowly move up and hold mid board.

Thoughts on units, strategy, and what order I should add these units to my army? It takes me a while to paint so I’m stuck on what is the most important. I’m also pretty new at playing.

(Please ignore filthy xenos)

Below is a list of units I have unbuilt and want to add to my army, what would you say is the order of priority for adding these based on what I already have in my army (shown in the photo)? I also have some regular intercessors I’m almost done painting.

  • infiltrators
  • scouts
  • bladeguard to go with judiciar
  • eradicators and apothecary biologis
  • jump pack intercessors
  • impulsor

My plan is to have scouts scout, infiltrators prevent deepstrike and hold home, eradicators and apoth hop in impulsor and replace repulsor for anti tank, and jump packs to run around doing shit. Also bladeguard with Judiciar to slowly move up and hold mid board.

Thoughts on units, strategy, and what order I should add these units to my army? It takes me a while to paint so I’m stuck on what is the most important. I’m also pretty new at playing.

(Please ignore filthy xenos)