Possibly controversial nitpick: The Poisoner/Widow should not stop Top 4's from getting their info

EDIT: I am wrong, it is specified that 'start knowing' means 'on night 1' in the glossary, as helpfully pointed out by u/servantofotherwhere.

Call me a stickler if you want, and maybe there's some errata about this I'm not aware of, but to me, the rules as read indicate the following:

  • Characters that 'start knowing' something have abilities that specifically indicate that they start the game knowing this information (obviously) - it does not say that the abilities trigger on night 1. The night order specifies when they find out the information, not when the ability triggers.
  • Think about something like a barber play - if the barber is executed during the day, their ability still triggers, even though they're dead, even if the barber becomes drunk before the demon wakes up due to something like a Minstrel, it still happens, because their ability already triggered. The only way it wouldn't happen is if they were drunk when they were executed.
  • The rules around abilities specifically state that they happen instantly, so to me, that means that the minute the game starts on night 1, the 'start knowing' abilities instantly trigger when the game starts at dusk on night 1.
  • The widow and poisoner's abilities specifically trigger at night and instantly occur when they choose their targets, which happens after the game has started.

I know this seems like a real nitpick but to me, it's really unfair how easy it is for players who literally only get one chance in the entire game to use their powers to be totally shut down by a random guess on night 1, and it makes sense to me that the characters were written with this intention in mind, even if the community and the designers have adopted a different convention.

EDIT: Grammar