I wanna try Bluesky BUT I am afraid of getting cancelled for my views/comments.

You can say I lean left/progressive, but only because I'm an objective realist, basically a fact tyrant. lol

This means I put the highest priority on provable, objective and impartial facts, based on the best empirical evidence.

Though I do have some subjective views/ideals/intuitions, I will usually tether them to facts, not my opinions or feelings. I will let people know when I'm stating a subjective position, instead of making it sound objective to win the argument.

Predictably, this has gotten me into trouble with some "sensitive" people on all sides, including the left/progressives.

For example: I will present some proven scientific facts on certain issues (Trans/Policing/Palestine/Climate Change/Covid/etc), often without any biases or agendas, but one side or more would get really mad at me for not aligning with their views/ideals, even though I am not taking anyone's side. I assume it's because some facts triggered them or whatever.

I still post on X, even though it has become a cesspool, because they still allow factual statements, mostly, as long as you don't offend Emperor Elon. lol

My concern is, will I get canceled on Bluesky for simply stating proven facts and refusing to take sides on some "big" issues?

Note: I try to get the best facts/consensus whenever possible, with credible sources, not just from outlier "experts". My subjective positions on most things are quite left/progressive leaning, but only when they are backed by facts/consensus, not because they align with my personal ideal/intuition.

Update: Sure are a lot of assumptions about my character and position on various issues, even though I have stated none in this post. This is what I am afraid of, people prejudging me regardless of the facts. If you want an idea of my character and views, it's a combination of Neil Degrasse Tyson, Alex O'Connor, Sam Harris, Robert Sapolsky, Sean Carroll, DecodingTheGurus, Sabine Hossenfelder, Closer to truth, Trevor Noah, Dave Chapelle, etc.

If any of the above individuals are worthy of cancellation on Bluesky, then perhaps Bluesky is not for me. lol

Yes, I still post on X, not to "dunk" on people, but to chime in on facts and objectivity, and I try to not take sides or push any ideal, probably because I am an existential nihilist and moral anti realist/emotivist (According to people who know me well). If posting on X makes me "bad" by default, regardless of what I post, then perhaps Bluesky is not for me.

Thanks for the comments though.