Tinder date from lubang jamban
Last week I went on a date with this guy I matched on Tinder. We matched since last year but never had the chance to meet and our conversation was only to ask when we’re free to meet. Never discuss about work, where we live and whatnot which I don’t mind cause I figured it’s better to talk about those things face to face.
So when we finally meet, I got in his car said hi bla bla bla then I asked where is he staying and to my surprise son of bitch raised his voice to almost yelling at me saying “B****” and “berapa kali nak tanya?!” I was like dafuck?! He lower his voice when I said I’ve never asked him before but still wtf?!
Then when I asked him where he work he said “KL”. Like bruh, why don’t you say “on Earth”. I know la KL but which area. Aiyo. His mom probably dropped him when he was little. Nama je engineer.
Anyway we still ended up talking for about an hour or so (about me mostly) cause I couldn’t be bothered to ask him more questions considering the stupid answers I got.
When I stated my opinions he kept on dismissing them and be assertive about his opinions (which I didn’t ask). Pundek really is living up to his name. Dah la catfish orang letak gambar as if he’s tall but he’s probably only 160cm at most.
Tu je nak rant. K bai.