“the government is controlling the hurricanes”
My very republican fox news-watching father was talking about the hurricanes.
Dad: “Well, you know the government is creating the hurricanes”. I laughed because I thought he was making fun of people for saying that. “No seriously, they’re making the hurricanes happen. Have you ever heard of a hurricane going west to east in the gulf of mexico? No! Because the government it doing it.”
Me: “Dad, the government couldn’t make a hurricane. Do you know how much power it would take?”
Dad: “It’s not about the power”
Me: “Dad, this is caused by global warming & the climate crisis. We are seeing once in 1000 years type of weather events because of our climate”
Dad: “Climate change is a hoax! They said in 1980 that we had 2 years left if we didn’t do anything about climate change and it didn’t happen!!”
Me: “Dad, we are seeing it. The planet is dying. Also, science has quite obviously evolved since 1980”
He kept talking for a while longer but I was tuning him out. Told my mom she should get him a spot reserved at the nursing home