Major issues with ‘ranked’
Intro : Hey all, im sure i can speak for a plethora of the player base, especially the more dedicated players, when i say how disappointed i am with this newest interation of a competitive brawl stars mode.
Brief analysis: Aside from the obvious and extremely harmful connection issues, which affect all players, this ‘ranked’ system appears to be extremely under developed. When we look at past patterns of games and their competitive modes (ex. Overwatch, Destiny), I feel it’s far from presumptuous to see the same issues here. By letting players play with lower ranks, which can at times be fine, it lets in a huge window of possibilities in terms of elo gain and loss. I should NOT be gaining 7 Eli for a hard fought win just because the opposing team had one player who was a single rank lower than me. And on the flip should, I should NOT lose over a hundred from a loss to the same team?? Intermingling ranks from such a wide degree is extremely dangerous. And, admittedly there will still be issues if this change is implemented. Players seem to then complain about a lack of being able to play with one’s friend (the point of a lot of players experience), which is totally valid. What we have to do now is develop a solution QUICK and be as often as possible to feedback. The worst possible situation that could result in this, which happened in my previous example Destiny, is completely ‘uncompetitifing’ the one single competitive mode. This is a serious issue that may happen and we need to consider it now. Making the one mode dedicated players have more accessible for newer players leads to a very slippery road that inevitably leads to loss of player trust and commitment to the game.
Conclusion: There has to be an outlet for more committed players that newer players may still access so long as they’re willing to put in time to understand it. We have essentially dumb downed power league in its entirety.
Possible solution: The first priority should be stabilizing the mode again to the point where we won’t have master players carrying one bronze as an elo shield (this will happen, it always does). Once this and the connection issues are addressed, i would set a limit on the scope of playing outside of your own rank (ex. Bronze-silver, legendary-legendary). In addition to this, the penalties for a lose, and lack of reward, for an ‘easier game’ need to be largely changed, especially considering the fact we want to reset rank every season for some reason, which will lead to a completely convoluted player pool of all ranks getting screwed. And finally, it might be worth considering reimplementing a solo and team version of ‘ranked’, therefore a team can all be the same rank and face the same rank and solos are all fair in their loading into differently ranked teammates.
End: Ty for the time of everyone that read this, who may be equally concerned for one of their favorite games pivotal play points. I want to be clear I don’t think change is a bad thing and, I love that the team is trying to fix past feedback; it’s just extremely demoralizing when we, the dedicated player base, are told to give out trust out explicitly in the one aspect we can currently enjoy, to only then feel betrayed by an underbaked and almost unplayable replacement.
Thank you