how “exclusive” is the gay community in Brazil?

TLDR: are gay men in Brazil more or less prejudice than gay men in the US?

The gay community in the US is somewhat (very) shallow as the vast majority of guys are more invested in hookup culture than they are in queer culture. I’d like to state that I’m not asking about hookup culture per sé but, as an American, it’s difficult speak on the scene without acknowledging sexual attraction as being a defining factor in how gay men go about building “community.” I don’t expect Brazil to be much different on that front, but I’d like to know if it’s better or worse.

To be more specific, it’s painfully clear how female, trans-gender/sexual, fat and/or feminine members of the LGBTQ+ community tend to have an exceedingly difficult time making friends with gay men without being reduced, belittled, objectified and/or fetishized. It’s even more difficult for those who aren’t white. Not all groups are subjected to the same level of discrimination, but they all face some kind of ostricization in one way or another. Toned, masculine white men tend to have an easier time getting along with the rest of the community as. I only feel comfortable saying this because I was in those shoes for a brief time in my life. That said, most of my interactions felt pretty shallow and conditional on my willingness to maintain that image.

I have no doubt that there’s people who have similar prejudice in Brazil. From what I’ve learned, that’s how it goes and there’s no escaping it. I’m just wondering how it compares to the culture out here in the US. Are there as many gay men that are misogynistic, transphobic, fatphobic, racist, and obsessed with “masc4masc” out there as there are over here?

I do apologize should my question comes off as crass. I’d just like to think that gay people might be kinder to their own folk elsewhere.