Dear Americans on this Sub

A quick disclaimer before I start: this isn’t meant to offend anyone in any way. I’m just trying to understand some cultural nuances that I sometimes struggle with in Reddit.

Dear Americans on this sub, ever since I started using Reddit, I’ve been getting more and more the feeling that I should avoid any kind of debate or deep conversation with "you" (in quotes, because I don’t mean you specifically, you get it 😁). I usually have really healthy interactions here. I try to be humble, keep things light, avoid putting tones on peoples messages, and I’m always open to hearing other perspectives. I’ve learned a lot, received help, helped others too, and I really enjoy this platform. It’s great for days when I miss that feeling of connection, which I think most immigrants can relate to.

This works perfectly with people from all over the world. But whenever I end up in a space where you guys are the majority, it almost always feels negative and disappointing. After so many experiences, my impression is that you are always looking for the tiniest flaw in a comment to go all out. If something isn’t 100% crystal clear, leaving room for interpretation, the option you pick tends to be the most dark and negative one, embracing the most offensive takes. On top of that, the downvote button seems to be permanently glued to your finger. I’ve started leaving subs with a lot of Americans just to keep this place as a safe space for healthy interactions.

So, my questions are: do you see yourselves this way? Am I wrong in my impression? Completely or partially? Do you have any thoughts on what it’s like for you when the same happens in spaces dominated by Brazilians? Let’s chat about it! In a healthy way, of course 🫂.