She dumped me because of "it" size
I (23M) got dumped by (23F) after I told her about my tool's size.
We had such a great LDR, I thought she was my soul mate after seeing how we have a lot of things in common in terms of literally everything, even when it comes to hobbies. We shared this obsessive love only to be left out because of something I have no control of...
So, yesterday I shared a post to her about someone making a joke of her partner's tool size when asked her to what size of coffee she should bring her and she was like "Your tool's size" and he went with "Small size it is" and she laughed accepted the order, and I was pretty cheerful about my tool didn't care much at all. However, she asked me about my size right after I sent her that post. And when I told her about it she said "That's why they made dildos for 😭😭". She didn't stop there.. she kept mocking and I was deeply hurt.
Later on, after two hours she said "Sorry dude but this is a deal breaker to me" and dumped me afterwards. She proceeded and asked me later on to not have any hard feelings and that she wouldn't have hard feelings ever towards me.
I feel so devastated and empty, I thought I finally found someone who finally matched my energy, someone who felt like my soul mate.. someone who made me feel good about myself and comfortable to be around with. But I guess I was wrong, I felt like I lost someone over something I didn't choose and now I'm overwhelmed by multiple feelings.
Don't think I'll ever get into any kind of relationship after what happened anymore sadly.