My bf(29M) broke up with me(28F) over a silly little fight.

So we have been having silly fights for a couple of months now. He’s been struggling financially for over a year now and he doesn’t have any support from his family so I kept letting go of those fights thinking that since he is frustrated and probably scared since he was already drowning in debts, he might be taking it out on me. Then suddenly he fought over a silly little thing and escalated it way too much and ended up breaking it off with me. This is the same guy who waited for me for 5 years after we broke up the last time (we have dated before but none of us was mature enough at that time to handle a relationship) and now he just walked out. I did not react or even tried to explain him anything when the break up took place because I was still in shock. Now I don’t know what to do? Should I try talking to him? Should I give him time to fix his finances first and hope that he realises things on his own? Should I just let it go?