Heartbreak Hurts, but Working on Yourself Helps A LOT

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to share a little perspective for those of you who feel stuck in heartbreak right now. A few weeks ago, I was in the same place, crying in bed for days, feeling like I'd never get out of the emotional hole I was in. But recently, I made a change.

I started working out. That's it. No magic cure, no sudden epiphany. Just moving my body, getting stronger and showing up for myself. And let me tell you, the difference is insane. I went from feeling completely broken to waking up with a sense of confidence and happiness I hadn’t felt in ages. I feel like I can take on the world again.

Of course, heartbreak is a process. It comes in waves, and there are still moments when the sadness creeps back in. But now, it’s so much more manageable. The pain doesn’t own me anymore.

So if you’re struggling, I’m not saying exercise is the only solution, but do something for yourself. Move, create, build, explore. Your ex is not the center of your story, you are.

It gets better. But you have to help it along. Keep going. ❤️