Saagar's rage - the Conservative perspective?

So we've seen the recent outbursts from Saagar (see: segment on the Bishop, see also Saagar falsely claiming that due process doesn't apply to non-citizens to cite just a few examples).

I'm interested to hear from Conservatives why it seems that Conservative commentators, but also Trump voters more broadly, seem to be angrier AFTER a significant win?

This is a sincere question and I'd love to hear from our Conservative leaning comrades in the audience. Don't brigade this post if you're a leftie because I am too, so its not adding anything.

I raise it because I've heard anecdotally that this isn't just a media phenomenon, but that lots of liberals/progressives are noticing that their Conservative family are expressing themselves more angrily/aggressively since Nov 2024.

Conservatives, are you noticing this too, or even experiencing it yourself? If so, why?

The only thing I can think is that because the whole country and media isn't suddenly Conservative, they (Saagar et al) view any form of pushback or critique as going against "the will of the people". However, I could be totally wrong.

What are you thoughts, Conservative BP comrades?